Diamond Registry

Each month is special and deserves its jewelry symbol. And this valuable gift is a birthstone – the gemstone assigned to a particular month. When this jewel appears in the hands of a person born in the corresponding month, magic happens! All the gifts of destiny can be received and multiplied – be that health, happiness, wealth, youth, or prosperity.

The appearance of birthstones is deeply rooted in myths and legends. In the story of 12 tribes of Israel, Aaron, the brother of Moses, had the breastplate with all contemporary birthstones. Since then, these gemstones appeared in many cultures, creating a stable birthstone jewelry tradition. And in 1912, it became official: The American Association of Jewelers publicly announced the list of birthstones we can use today.

So, visit your month page to find what is your birthstone! In each article, you can read the most interesting facts about your special talisman and get the most important tips on how to take care of your birthstone jewelry.

Diamond is made from carbon, which is the primary element in life forms. It’s considered to be a symbol of wealth and abundance.

It represents purity, innocence, and true love, which is why it’s often exchanged when couples get engaged or married. Set in gold and worn on the left side of the body, it’s believed to strengthen fidelity and devotion, and promote truth and trust.

Wearing diamonds is said to help calm the nerves, and prevent the mind from becoming overactive and delusional. Diamonds worn while sleeping help ward off nightmares. A diamond can be used in a similar fashion as incense or smudge to clear unwanted energy residue from a room. Raw crystals are better, but if all you have is a cut and faceted gemstone, that will work.

Healing Energy

Even though diamond is a healing stone on its own, it’s best used to support the healing and beneficial properties of other stones, which is one reason why you often see it set in jewelry with other gems. It strengthens the energies of the other stones, allowing their vibration to be pinpointed where it is needed the most.

Diamonds are excellent when it comes to helping the body get rid of waste and unwanted energy residue. Think of diamonds as an amplifier. If you’re happy, they’ll make you happier. If you’re jealous, they’ll magnify that jealousy.

Biblical Origins

The origins of this tradition can be traced all the way back to biblical times and the Book of Exodus. It describes the breastplate worn by Aaron, the first high priest of the Israelites, which was to be worn by all future high priests. The breastplate was adorned with 12 different stones, each representing one of the 12 tribes of Israel. These stones were said to have possessed great powers and had the ability to tell people their fate. According to first-century translations, the first row contained carnelian, chrysolite, and beryl. The second row contained jacinth, agate, and amethyst, and the third row contained topaz, onyx, and jasper.

It wasn’t until the first century, around 500 years after Aaron’s breastplate was described in the Book of Exodus, where the historian Joseph believed there to be a connection between the 12 stones in Aaron’s breastplate, the 12 months of the year, and the 12 zodiac signs. Historian St. Jerome, referencing Joseph, began to encourage the use of these stones by Christians in the 5th century. This established a tradition that would last for centuries, in which people would collect all of the 12 stones to wear at one time in extravagant belts, bracelets, and other ornaments. By the 8th and 9th centuries, this trend evolved to where people would own a collection of all of the jewels but only wear a single stone during a given month, where it was believed to have heightened powers. This most likely came from eastern traditions believing that birthstones can provide the wearer with protection and powers, as trade between the east and west began to surge during this time period. The modern tradition of wearing one stone for their month of birth did not begin until the 16th century and originated in either Germany or Poland. This was the start of the birthstone trend we are familiar with today.

Wearing Birthstones

The rich history and fun, glistening colors of birthstones have made them incredibly popular to wear in rings, bracelets, pendants, and earrings. They make for an excellent, personalized gift for a loved one to show how much you care. Birthstones can make for especially beautiful gifts for mothers or family members, where birthstones can be combined to create a colorful, custom piece to represent your family.

The Meaning and Significance of Birthstones: Emerald, Turquoise, and Other Colorful Gems

Birthstones are gemstones that are associated with a particular month and are believed to have special properties or powers. These gems have a rich history and are often imbued with cultural and spiritual significance. In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of some popular birthstones, including emerald, turquoise, and others.

Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May and is a vibrant green gemstone that is prized for its beauty and rarity. It is the modern birthstone for May in the United States and is associated with good fortune and prosperity. Emerald is believed to bring calm and clarity to those who wear it, making it a great choice for those who need to focus and make important decisions.

Turquoise is the traditional birthstone for the month of December and is a beautiful blue-green gemstone that is known for its vibrant color. It is believed to bring good luck and protection to those who wear it and is often associated with spiritual growth and healing. Turquoise is also a popular choice for jewelry and is often set in silver or gold.

In addition to emerald and turquoise, there are many other birthstones to choose from that come in a variety of colors. For example, citrine is the birthstone for November and is a vibrant orange gemstone that is associated with abundance and prosperity. Garnet is the birthstone for January and comes in a range of red hues, making it a popular choice for those who love the color red.

Overall, birthstones are a beautiful and meaningful way to celebrate your birth month and incorporate special gemstones into your jewelry collection. Whether you choose emerald, turquoise, or another colorful birthstone, these gems are sure to bring beauty and significance to your life.

January Birthstone
February Birthstone
March Birthstone
April Birthstone
May Birthstone
June Birthstone
July Birthstone
August Birthstone
September Birthstone
October Birthstone
November Birthstone
December Birthstone
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