Diamond Registry

When you’re out there looking for the perfect diamond, you want to be sure you’re getting the best quality for your money. That’s why Diamond Registry is here to help.

At Diamond Registry, we’ve been in the diamond business for more than 60 years since 1961, so we know how to get you the perfect diamond ring at a great price. We also have a team of experts who can help you find the perfect engagement ring—we’ll work with you to make sure that your ring fits your budget, but also reflects your sense of style and taste. Because Diamond Registry is the world’s most comprehensive diamond price and information platform. Helping individuals to find the perfect diamond, buying directly from the source at wholesale prices.

With our extensive inventory of diamonds and engagement rings, we’re confident that we can find something that meets all of your requirements.

Finding the perfect diamond for your engagement ring is a very exciting process. It’s also a little overwhelming, which is why we’ve put together this guide.

You may want to start by looking at the diamonds that are within your price range. Once you have narrowed down the diamonds, you can then look at other factors like carat weight, color and clarity of the diamond, and cut.

Once you have decided on a budget and found some diamonds that meet your criteria, it’s time for an expert opinion! You need someone who knows what they’re doing when it comes to diamonds so they can help you find the perfect one for your special someone

The first thing you’ll want to do is figure out what kind of ring you’re looking for—whether it’s princess cut, round, emerald cut, or something else entirely. This will help narrow down the search terms you use and allow you to focus on specific styles.

Once you’ve figured out what kind of ring you’re looking for, it’s time to start looking at diamonds!

First, you can contact us or schedule an appointment with them and get familiar with what kinds of diamonds they have available. In particular, find out if any loose diamonds that might be a good fit for your engagement ring.

Then comes the fun part: request a quote! With our extensive network of wholesale diamond retailers and jewelry designers, we can help you find anything you envision while passing the savings to you.

Finally, buy from a reputable dealer who can provide certificates of authenticity for each stone they sell. This way, you’ll know that your diamond is real and conflict-free!

When you’re shopping for a diamond engagement ring, it’s important to remember that there are plenty of things to consider beyond the size of the diamond itself. The cut, color, clarity, and carat weight are all important factors in determining whether or not an engagement ring will sparkle as much as you want it to. Another thing to keep in mind? Make sure your diamond is certified by an independent third party—this will ensure that your stone is real and conflict-free!

Another thing to keep in mind? Make sure your diamond is certified by an independent third party—this will ensure that your stone is real and conflict-free!


Sell your diamonds with ease with Diamond Registry’s comprehensive approach and vast global industry connections to help you find the best buyer for your diamond fast. Visit www.diamondregistry.com/sell-your-ring to take your first step to fast, easy and reliable way of selling your diamond.

Want to check and calculate diamond per carat instantly? Go to DR’s diamond price calculator www.diamondregistry.com/diamond-price-list/#calc-move-to to know how. Reliable and trusted carat calculator in the diamond industry since!

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