Diamond Registry

wedding rings

The fact that sapphires are available in a wide range of colors makes them the most popular choice for engagement rings that also contain diamonds and other gemstones. In fact, some people believe that the significance of a sapphire and diamond engagement ring goes far beyond the aesthetics of the gemstones’ pairing.

The Symbolic Significance

The name sapphire is derived from the Greek words “Saphirus” and “Sapheiros,” which mean “sapphire” and “sapheros,” respectively. It’s worth noting that the color “blue” is referenced in both the Latin and Greek names for sapphire, which also happens to be the most popular color for sapphire gemstones. In addition, some believe that the gemstone’s name is derived from the planet Saturn, as the gemstone’s name roughly translates to “lovely to the planet Saturn” in a variety of different languages.

Sapphires are considered to be symbols of virtue, wisdom, and good luck. It was for this reason that the blue variety of the gemstone has always been particularly popular among royalty throughout history, especially in ancient times. Beyond engagement rings, sapphires were also used in many royal crowns and were passed down from one generation to the next as a symbol of love and devotion.

When wearing a blue sapphire and diamond ring, the accent gemstones are typically white diamonds, as is the case with the majority of engagement rings. This is made possible by the fact that the white diamond represents purity and holiness, making it an excellent match for the sapphire gemstone.

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