Diamond Registry

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世界上最昂貴的 5 顆鑽石

Updated on 27 5 月, 2024

With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.

Table of Contents

Published on 23 2 月, 2024
Updated on 27 5 月, 2024

What makes us your trusted partner

With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.

昂貴的鑽石是世界上最令人夢寐以求和最有價值的寶石之一。 世界上最好的鑽石是稀有的,具有獨特的品質,使它們備受追捧。 無論是尺寸、顏色、淨度還是歷史,這些鑽石都被認為是世界上最有價值、最精美的寶石之一。

雖然所有的鑽石都是從地下開采出來的,但它們並不都是一樣的。 多年來,鑽石一直吸引著寶石學家,並不斷打破價格記錄。 那麼,哪些鑽石最值錢呢? 我們編制了一份有史以來最有價值的 5 顆鑽石的清單。

在本文中,我們將仔細研究世界上一些最昂貴的鑽石,探索它們的歷史、價值以及它們的特別之處。 這些鑽石真正獨一無二,它們的故事引人入勝。

1。 光之山(未知)

著名的光之山 (Koh-I-Noor) 在我們的世界最有價值鑽石榜單中名列前茅。 世界上最有價值的鑽石,重達 105.6 克拉,呈橢圓形。 這塊籠罩在神秘和民間傳說中的石頭據說是在 1300 年代在印度開采的。 這塊石頭於 1850 年由英國購買,阿爾伯特親王於 1852 年將其從 186 克拉切割至 105.6 克拉以提高其亮度和閃光度。 光之山和巴布爾鑽石是無色橢圓形切割鑽石的兩個名稱 鑽石

2。 天璽(高達 20 億美元)

庫里南 (Cullinan) 是世界上最大的寶石級毛坯鑽石,重達驚人的 3,106.75 克拉。 1905年,它在南非庫里南被發現,並贈予愛德華七世國王。 非洲之星原鑽被切割成九顆主要鑽石,其中最大的是 530.2 克拉的庫里南 I。

3。 希望鑽石(200-2.5 億美元)

希望鑽石被認為是 1600 年代在印度發現的,於 1668 年被路易十四國王購買。這顆 45.52 克拉的深灰藍色花式鑽石 墊形切割鑽石於 1791 年在一次皇冠珠寶盜竊中被盜,但隨後於 1839 年在倫敦被發現。1949 年,Harry Winston 購買了這顆鑽石並將其贈予 它到史密森尼學會,吸引了大量的遊客。 由於它的許多前主人所遭受的苦難和悲劇,據說這塊石頭被詛咒了。

4。 百年鑽石(1 億美元)

百年紀念鑽石的原鑽重量超過 500 克拉。 它最終被重塑為改良的心形,重達 273.85 克拉。 另一方面,克拉重量的減少增加了這顆獨一無二的鑽石的顏色 (D) 和淨度(無瑕)。 他們技術精湛的員工花了 154 天時間才完成重新切割程序。

5。 粉紅之星(7120 萬美元)

粉紅之星,原名 Steinmetz Pink,於 1999 年在南非被發現,是世界上最大的艷彩粉紅色鑽石。 2017年,總部位於香港的周大福企業在蘇富比拍賣會上通過電話競標贏得了粉紅之星。 CTF Pink Star 以現任周大福董事長已故父親的名字命名。 這是一顆內部完美的橢圓形鑽石,重達 59.60 克拉。

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Client Reviews

Rebecca Schott
Rebecca Schott
Nissan, David and his team were extremely accommodating, understanding and patient with our purchase. They took the upmost care to find the best solution for our needs and went above and beyond normal ‘customer service’ standards. I have absolutely no qualms recommending their products and services. Both were absolutely flawless. I will continue to sing them praises and will most definitely purchase from them again in the future. Thank you again!
Gershom Menachem
Gershom Menachem
Great team of diamond experts who show personal care for the client’s needs and aftersales service. They really go the extra mile to make it happen no matter the challenges ahead. Rush orders, international shipping, upgrade service, jewelry repair, large diamonds, small items, precious stones. Very honest and open information to the clients. You will feel like talking to a friend.
Thom P.
Thom P.
Bought a beautiful stone here for an engagement ring. I was a little apprehensive since you’re buying something unseen. But Cid made it easy. In fact, Nissan, the owner also gave a call to make me more comfortable. They sent me the stone to take to a local jeweler with only my Amex in case I bailed on them.

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