Diamond Registry

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購買 1 克拉 VVS 鑽石戒指的完整指南:定價、技巧和您需要知道的一切

Updated on 27 5 月, 2024

With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.

Table of Contents

Published on 11 3 月, 2024
Updated on 27 5 月, 2024

如果您想購買 1 克拉的鑽石戒指,這可能是一項艱鉅的任務,因為這是一項重大投資。 您希望確保在預算範圍內獲得最優質的鑽石,並且了解和理解 是必不可少的 4C:克拉重量、切工、顏色和淨度。 在本指南中,我們將重點關注鑽石的淨度方面,特別是 VVS 等級。 我們將討論 1 克拉 VVS 鑽石的價格、影響定價的因素、購買技巧等。

What makes us your trusted partner

With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.

什麼是 VVS 鑽石?

在深入探討 1 克拉 VVS 鑽石的定價之前,讓我們先了解什麼是 VVS 鑽石。 VVS 代表非常輕微內含級,它是僅次於無瑕級 (FL) 和內部無瑕級 (IF) 的第二高淨度等級。 VVS 等級分為兩個子類別,VVS1 和 VVS2,均表示鑽石具有非常微小的內含物,在 10 倍放大鏡下很難看到。

1 克拉 VVS 鑽石多少錢?

1 克拉 VVS 鑽石 的價格從 8,000 美元到 20,000 美元不等,甚至更多,具體取決於各種因素。 價格可能因形狀、剪裁、顏色和其他特徵而異。 例如,具有出色切工等級和顏色等級 (D-F) 的圓形切工 VVS1 鑽石將處於光譜的高端,而具有較低切工和顏色等級的 VVS2 鑽石將處於光譜的低端。

影響 1 克拉 VVS 鑽石定價的因素

有幾個因素會影響 1 克拉 VVS 鑽石的價格,包括:

  1. 切工:鑽石的切工質量會影響其閃光度、火彩和亮度,切工好的鑽石價格會更高。
  2. 顏色:鑽石的顏色等級也會影響價格,等級越高的無色鑽石越貴。
  3. 淨度:雖然 VVS 鑽石含有非常微小的內含物,但淨度等級仍會影響價格。 VVS1 鑽石將比 VVS2 鑽石更貴。
  4. 形狀:鑽石的形狀也會影響價格。 圓形鑽石通常比枕形或公主方形切割等花式鑽石更昂貴。
  5. 認證:經過 GIA 或 AGS 等知名分級實驗室認證的鑽石比未經認證的鑽石價格更高。

購買 1 克拉 VVS 鑽石戒指的技巧

以下是購買 1 克拉 VVS 鑽石戒指時需要考慮的一些提示:

  1. 設定預算:事先確定預算並堅持執行。 一顆 1 克拉的 VVS 鑽石價格從 8,000 美元到 20,000 美元不等,甚至更高,因此了解您的預算有助於縮小選擇範圍。
  2. 選擇信譽良好的珠寶商:選擇信譽良好、提供認證並且有多種鑽石可供選擇的珠寶商。
  3. 考慮 4C 標準:鑽石的 4C 標準是克拉重量、切工、顏色和淨度,它們都在決定鑽石的質量和價格方面發揮著至關重要的作用。
  4. 不要在切工質量上妥協:切工精良的鑽石會閃閃發光並能漂亮地反射光線,因此切勿在切工質量上妥協,即使這意味著要犧牲顏色或淨度。
  5. 考慮較低的淨度:雖然 VVS 鑽石品質卓越,但您仍然可以考慮較低的淨度等級,例如 VS1 或 VS2,它們肉眼看起來仍然很漂亮,但價格更實惠。
  6. 選擇合適的鑲嵌:您選擇的鑲嵌也會影響戒指的整體外觀和價格。 簡單的單石鑲嵌比戒圈鑲嵌鑽石或光環鑲嵌更實惠。
  7. 為您的戒指投保:購買後,請務必為您的戒指投保,以防止其損壞、丟失或被盜。

1 克拉 VVS 鑽石戒指是一款令人驚豔的投資單品,象徵著愛、承諾和美麗。 但是,必須透徹了解影響定價的因素,例如切工、顏色、淨度、形狀和認證,以確保您物有所值。 按照我們關於購買 1 克拉 VVS 鑽石戒指的提示,您可以做出明智的決定並在您的預算範圍內找到完美的戒指。 請記住選擇信譽良好的珠寶商,考慮較低的淨度等級,並為您的戒指投保,以在未來幾年保護您的投資。

Have any questions? Contact us!

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Client Reviews

Rebecca Schott
Rebecca Schott
Nissan, David and his team were extremely accommodating, understanding and patient with our purchase. They took the upmost care to find the best solution for our needs and went above and beyond normal ‘customer service’ standards. I have absolutely no qualms recommending their products and services. Both were absolutely flawless. I will continue to sing them praises and will most definitely purchase from them again in the future. Thank you again!
Gershom Menachem
Gershom Menachem
Great team of diamond experts who show personal care for the client’s needs and aftersales service. They really go the extra mile to make it happen no matter the challenges ahead. Rush orders, international shipping, upgrade service, jewelry repair, large diamonds, small items, precious stones. Very honest and open information to the clients. You will feel like talking to a friend.
Thom P.
Thom P.
Bought a beautiful stone here for an engagement ring. I was a little apprehensive since you’re buying something unseen. But Cid made it easy. In fact, Nissan, the owner also gave a call to make me more comfortable. They sent me the stone to take to a local jeweler with only my Amex in case I bailed on them.

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