Diamond Registry

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雷地恩切工鑽石 101

Updated on 27 5 月, 2024

With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.

Table of Contents

Published on 7 3 月, 2024
Updated on 27 5 月, 2024

What makes us your trusted partner

With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.

對鑽石形狀的偏好是高度個人化的。 “理想”的鑽石形狀經常在審美偏好和直覺的十字路口被發現。如果您更喜歡方形或細長形狀的璀璨閃亮鑽石,雷地恩式切割是您的訂婚戒指或結婚戒指鑽石的絕佳選擇。


雷地恩切工被廣泛認為是目前最閃亮的鑽石形狀之一。 70 個複雜的刻面切割允許充足的光線反射,營造出令人眼花繚亂的閃亮效果,不斷吸引眼球。



1981 年,Henry Grossbard 成為第一個揭示理想雷地恩切工鑽石的人。

他是一位 30 多年的鑽石切割大師,為世人創造了美麗的鑽石。經過深思熟慮,他設計出一種以祖母綠切割為靈感的鑽石形狀,融合了圓形明亮式切割的熾熱光芒。

在過去的 40 年裡,雷地恩切割鑽石一直是新娘的最愛。







理想情況下,雷地恩切工鑽石的檯面和深度應介於總克拉重量的 65% 到 70% 之間。值得為更高質量的切工支付額外費用,以獲得一顆為佩戴者和觀察者保留其光彩的雷地恩切工鑽石。


比率,將鑽石的長度除以寬度(以毫米為單位)。由於方形或細長形狀,雷地恩切工鑽石的比例可以在 1:1 到 1:45:1 之間。

從 1.25:1 到 1.45:1 以及介於 1.3 和 1.35:1 之間的甜蜜點,細長的雷地恩鑽石具有廣泛的範圍。


如果您想要更大的寶石,但又不介意犧牲一些顏色,那麼 I-J 顏色範圍是一個不錯的折衷方案。



IF(內部無瑕疵)到 I1 或 I2 是不同級別的清晰度(內含物)。雷地恩切工鑽石具有很多刻面複雜性,因此淨度可以更靈活一些。雷地恩切工鑽石通常可以分級為 S1 或 S2(小夾雜物),但這因寶石而異。



一想到鑽石,你的心中是否充滿喜悅?您在 Pinterest 上有多少張明亮式切割鑽石的照片,它們的光芒和優雅?一想到無名指上的一顆光芒四射的切割鑽石會讓你神魂顛倒嗎?

在 Diamond Registry,我們有多種雷地恩切工鑽石可供選擇,它們具有各種令人驚嘆的設計和鑲托。如果您對完美鑽石有特定的想法,但需要一點幫助來實現它,我們會在知識淵博的設計顧問的幫助下提供全面的定制服務。

我們迫不及待地想看到您美麗的手指戴上那枚雷地恩切割鑽石訂婚戒指。在社交媒體上發布自己佩戴 Diamond Registry 珠寶的照片時,請使用 #DRlove 標籤。

Have any questions? Contact us!

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Client Reviews

Rebecca Schott
Rebecca Schott
Nissan, David and his team were extremely accommodating, understanding and patient with our purchase. They took the upmost care to find the best solution for our needs and went above and beyond normal ‘customer service’ standards. I have absolutely no qualms recommending their products and services. Both were absolutely flawless. I will continue to sing them praises and will most definitely purchase from them again in the future. Thank you again!
Gershom Menachem
Gershom Menachem
Great team of diamond experts who show personal care for the client’s needs and aftersales service. They really go the extra mile to make it happen no matter the challenges ahead. Rush orders, international shipping, upgrade service, jewelry repair, large diamonds, small items, precious stones. Very honest and open information to the clients. You will feel like talking to a friend.
Thom P.
Thom P.
Bought a beautiful stone here for an engagement ring. I was a little apprehensive since you’re buying something unseen. But Cid made it easy. In fact, Nissan, the owner also gave a call to make me more comfortable. They sent me the stone to take to a local jeweler with only my Amex in case I bailed on them.

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