What makes us your trusted partner
With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.
耳環是永不過時的常青首飾。 事實上,有多種款式可以使耳環成為令人嚮往的首飾,既能突顯您的外表,又能凸顯面部特徵。
佩戴一對鑽石耳環,是女人最大的享受。 要保持鑽石耳環或耳釘的光彩,您必須更加註意它們的清潔和保養。 如果您不定期清潔耳環,寶石或鑽石可能會因正常磨損而失去光澤。
在今天的博客中,我們將介紹清潔鑽石耳環以保持其光澤的四步流程。 查看! 採取以下步驟並立即付諸行動:
這些是清潔鑽石耳環或耳釘的四個步驟。 除了清潔之外,我們還討論瞭如何存放耳環以保持鑽石耳環的光澤。
借助 Diamond Registry 的全面方法和廣泛的全球行業聯繫,輕鬆銷售您的鑽石,幫助您快速為您的鑽石找到最佳買家。 訪問 www.diamondregistry.com/sell-your-ring 邁出第一步,以快速、簡單和可靠的方式銷售您的鑽石。
想即時查看和計算每克拉鑽石? 前往 DR 的鑽石價格計算器 了解如何操作。 自此成為鑽石行業可靠且值得信賴的克拉計算器!