Diamond Registry

Diamond Registry: Global expertise in loose diamonds since 1961. Unparalleled service for all your diamond needs. Learn more.


Updated on 27 5 月, 2024

With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.

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What makes us your trusted partner

With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.

有正方形,圓形正方形,八角正方形和矩形正方形 – 足以讓您懷疑您對“正方形”一詞的掌握。此外,這些方形鑽石切割中沒有一個被稱為“方形切割鑽石”。這太簡單了。



圓形明亮式鑽石佔所有已售鑽石的近 75%。這意味著選擇方形鑽石款式將立即讓您脫穎而出。此外,雖然圓形鑽石只有一種形式,但至少有三種不同的方形鑽石——如果包括具有方形潛力的鑽石形狀,則有五種。而且,與流行的看法相反,這五顆方形鑽石中的每一顆都具有獨特的外觀、感覺和個性。挑選與您或您所愛之人的個性相匹配的鑽石形狀非常有趣。

在放置方面,方形鑽石比圓形鑽石更具適應性。將圓形鑽石旋轉 45 度可以理解我的意思。創造獨特外觀的一種直接方法是將方形鑽石以 45 度角鑲嵌在戒指或耳環上。最後,花式方形鑽石通常比圓形明亮式鑽石便宜,以克拉換克拉。因此,方形可以讓您省錢,或者更好的是,購買更大的石頭!




Princess Cut 是唯一一款具有真正邊角的產品,使其成為該系列中唯一真正的方形。這種形式鋒利而酷炫,但由於採用了 Brilliant 切割,因此它與圓形一樣閃耀。對於想要閃耀現代風格的人來說,這是一個完美的選擇。

鑽石註冊提示:由於公主方形切工的外觀完美無瑕,因此請尋找盡可能接近方形的鑽石——即長寬比為 0.98 至 1.02,理想情況下為 1.00 的鑽石。



看看 Asscher,看看更“前衛”的東西。對於初學者來說,這是唯一帶有設計師標籤的鑽石形狀。好消息是該設計不再獲得專利,因此您無需為此支付額外費用。

階梯式切割設計提供經典的幾何外觀,Asscher 鑽石具有強大的美感。石頭的邊角被嚴重切割,使它看起來幾乎是八角形。這是一顆肯定會讓人大開眼界的鑽石。

鑽石註冊提示:選擇一個不會覆蓋您的 Asscher 角落的設置,以充分展示其潛力(或缺乏潛力)。





雖然公主、Asscher 和墊形切割是唯一“真正的”方形鑽石形狀,但祖母綠和雷地恩切割足夠方形,排除它們將構成對鑽石的犯罪……


請不要簽名 – Radiant 女士正在工作。

顧名思義,這是一顆照亮房間的鑽石。 Radiant 切工讓您兩全其美:乾淨、時尚的階梯式切工與明亮的 Brilliant 切工分層。最終結果是什麼?比梅麗爾·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)更具多面性,她是一位引人注目、轟動一時的百老匯鑽石明星。選擇方形而不是矩形的 Radiant 切割,您將擁有真正的贏家。

鑽石註冊提示:因為每顆鑽石都有很多刻面,所以 Radiant 中的顏色會加深,尤其是在切角處。這可以通過選擇 G 或以上的顏色等級來避免。


祖母綠切割鑽石最常見的形狀是矩形。然而,方形比例的祖母綠切割鑽石是可行的,但並不常見。祖母綠鑽石與 Asscher 鑽石一樣,都是階梯式切割,賦予它們精緻的裝飾藝術魅力。另一方面,祖母綠切工鑽石具有巨大的開放矩形刻面,使它們具有冰川般的外觀,而 Asscher 切工鑽石則強調三角形。

鑽石註冊提示:由於刻面開放,淨度非常重要。為了安全起見,請選擇“眼睛乾淨”的鑽石或獲得 VS2 淨度等級。

Have any questions? Contact us!

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Client Reviews

Rebecca Schott
Rebecca Schott
Nissan, David and his team were extremely accommodating, understanding and patient with our purchase. They took the upmost care to find the best solution for our needs and went above and beyond normal ‘customer service’ standards. I have absolutely no qualms recommending their products and services. Both were absolutely flawless. I will continue to sing them praises and will most definitely purchase from them again in the future. Thank you again!
Gershom Menachem
Gershom Menachem
Great team of diamond experts who show personal care for the client’s needs and aftersales service. They really go the extra mile to make it happen no matter the challenges ahead. Rush orders, international shipping, upgrade service, jewelry repair, large diamonds, small items, precious stones. Very honest and open information to the clients. You will feel like talking to a friend.
Thom P.
Thom P.
Bought a beautiful stone here for an engagement ring. I was a little apprehensive since you’re buying something unseen. But Cid made it easy. In fact, Nissan, the owner also gave a call to make me more comfortable. They sent me the stone to take to a local jeweler with only my Amex in case I bailed on them.

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