What makes us your trusted partner
With over 40 years of expertise, Diamond Registry’s CEO and owner, Nissan Perla, is your trusted guide in the diamond-buying world. Recognized by prestigious publications like The Washington Post and Chicago Tribune, Nissan’s extensive knowledge and experience in evaluating, buying, and selling diamonds are unparalleled. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and delivering exceptional value ensures that you make an informed decision when acquiring your timeless treasure. Choose Diamond Registry for personalized guidance, education, and a curated selection of the finest quality diamonds, backed by decades of industry expertise and dedication to your satisfaction.
A:祖母綠切割鑽石的價格差異很大。為了讓您大致了解祖母綠克拉鑽石的價格,請記住,一顆 1 克拉的祖母綠切割鑽石的價格通常在 1,400 到 6,000 美元之間,具體取決於鑽石的質量。即使在一克拉類別中,由於鑽石的淨度、切工和顏色都會對其整體價值產生重大影響,因此價格範圍也很大。
答:祖母綠切割鑽石極為罕見,僅佔當今所有鑽石的 3% 左右。
答:這個問題的答案取決於您使用什麼作為衡量它們的基準。祖母綠切割鑽石比圓形切割鑽石便宜,所有花式切割鑽石都是如此。對於相同質量,祖母綠形切工鑽石的成本將比類似尺寸的圓形切工鑽石低約 15% 至 25%。然而,由於祖母綠切割鑽石的稀有性,它們比其他一些花式鑽石形狀(如圓形明亮式)略貴。此外,祖母綠切割鑽石寶石的每克拉重量看起來比許多其他花式鑽石形狀更大,這對消費者來說是一個加分項。在考慮祖母綠切工鑽石的成本時,請記住,您通常可以稍微減少鑽石的克拉重量,以便將祖母綠切工鑽石納入您的預算。
根據 A 的說法,祖母綠切工鑽石在任何鑲嵌風格中看起來都令人驚嘆。另一方面,單顆鑽石和光環鑲嵌是祖母綠切工鑽石最受歡迎的鑲嵌方式。
借助 Diamond Registry 的綜合方法和廣泛的全球行業聯繫,輕鬆銷售您的鑽石,幫助您快速為您的鑽石找到最佳買家。訪問 www.diamondregistry.com/sell-your-ring 邁出快速、簡單、可靠的鑽石銷售方式的第一步。
想立即檢查和計算每克拉鑽石嗎?前往 DR 的鑽石價格計算器 www.diamondregistry.com/diamond-price-list/#calc-move-to 了解如何。從此成為鑽石行業可靠且值得信賴的克拉計算器!
Nissan Perla
Nissan Perla has over 40 years in the diamond industry and is the CEO and Owner of Diamond Registry since 1979. Nissan is recognized as one of the talented experts in the diamond world and has been mentioned in publications such as The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, The Time Out, Sassy HK, and more.